Latest Missions Update - June 28, 2024

Emmaus Primary School

Schools in Uganda can’t purchase desks because there’s no such thing as a classroom supply store, so everything has to be made by a carpenter. Calvary Villages was able to sponsor Emmaus Primary School and assist in getting school desks made so the students finally have desks to sit at! It’s so much better than having to sit on their knees like they have been for the last 6 years. Thank you Calvary Chapel Villages!

Our Global Vision

Jesus calls His people to go out into the world to share His love and serve others in His name. In 2023, you’ll have the opportunity to follow His calling and connect with others. CC Villages will be helping missionaries in countries like Mexico, Hungary, Iran, and more. You can be part of building a safe place for others to worship, or helping to provide access to other resources like education. Below is a list of our current Missionaries that we support both inside the US and out.

Janice Byerly is now under the ARM Ministries who partners with local churches to support workers in US and internationally.  Currenting working with Youth With A Mission and working in their member care outreach.

Linking nations and communities in prayer and reaching the least reached places of the world with the hope-filled Gospel of Jesus Christ. To see our latest mission update, click here.

The McMaths are missionary candidates serving with JAARS (Jungle Aviation And Radio Service). They are currently working with Moody Aviation in Spokane, WA as they continue raising their support.

Our mission is to establish a church fellowship in Motul, Mexico and ministering to families. To see our latest mission update, click here.

According to the latest release of the Operation World Manual, Iran has the fastest growing Evangelical population in the entire world!  This is not because it has grown from ten people to hundreds of people, but because it has exploded from hundreds of Persians, to hundreds of thousands of Persians and continues to grow exponentially. At a 19.6% growth rate, the Evangelical population is doubling every four years!

Other Missions Updates:

April 29th, 2-24

Steve & Rebecca McMath

This winter I had the opportunity to attend a JAARS Cessna 206 Maintenance Course in Waxhaw, NC. Even though I’ve been maintaining Cessna 206s at Moody Aviation for over two years, there was a lot of valuable information to learn. We’re always striving to learn and improve how we do things.

Otherwise, winter meant less flying and more time for longer projects, such as engine changes. We’ve had students involved to build experience, but we’re still behind where we’d like to be at the start of a busy flying season. God has provided one more mechanic who will join our team in May provided he finishes raising support in time. Pray that God will provide for his needs quickly and provide another mechanic soon.

Read Their Newsletter >>

One Need At A Time

It has been hard seeing so many different needs here within the ministry. I always feel like I can be doing more and judge myself for not. I’ve needed to learn the importance of being faithful with the little tasks. While I always wish I could do more, I don’t want to neglect a small need that I can fulfill. With what the Lord has given me to do today I want to honor and do it by faith, because it’s never about the size of the task, but my willingness to do it by faith. (Mt 25:14-30, Lk 16:10, Col 3:23)

Read Their Newsletter >>

April 12th, 2024

Christianah Oladipo, Medical Clinic, Nigeria

  • Work continues with the foundation blocks for the medical staff workers.
  • Christianah was injured and is unable to continue with nursing career unless she can get a medical clearance.
  • The clinic has received quite a bit of equipment and should be ready in 2025.
  • Pray for healing for Christianah and extra security lighting for the clinic.

Iran Alive

Waves of executions are leading a spiritual awakening. In Iran, under an authoritarian regime’s oppressive shadow, young people are losing their lives, on the streets and in the jails.

As a consequence, every family has been affected by the tragedy.  It is one of the biggest reasons that the people of Iran have been questioning Islam.  They have discovered how violence is encouraged and even commanded in the Quran.

This revelation is the reason for Iran having the fastest growing evangelical population in the world.

March 8th, 2024

The Raynors

The past month has been very challenging.  The church has not seen many new people.  The churches here in Mexico fight over their membership.  You need permission from your pastor to visit another church. They don’t work together except that they agree to dislike Calvary Motul. We are working on creative ways to demonstrate our love for Christ.  Currently free coffee in our courtyard on Tuesday night as we sit and talk about the topic for that evening.

Their son, Caleb, was seriously ill with a fever of 104.5.  Thank you, Lord, that they were able to get the medical attention he needed and is now back to normal.

As Len was heading to help a dad with an electric problem, he was rear-ended while waiting at a stop sign.  The fellow hit Len so hard that the SUV was up-ended momentarily.  Now Len needs to replace his truck. If you would like to help with a new vehicle, write a check to Calvary Chapel with an “R” on the memo line and put in the tithe box by the door on Sunday.

Keep them in your prayers as Len does have some neck and back pain.