The past month has been very challenging. The church has not seen many new people. The churches here in Mexico fight over their membership. You need permission from your pastor to visit another church. They don’t work together except that they agree to dislike Calvary Motul. We are working on creative ways to demonstrate our love for Christ. Currently free coffee in our courtyard on Tuesday night as we sit and talk about the topic for that evening.
Their son, Caleb, was seriously ill with a fever of 104.5. Thank you, Lord, that they were able to get the medical attention he needed and is now back to normal.
As Len was heading to help a dad with an electric problem, he was rear-ended while waiting at a stop sign. The fellow hit Len so hard that the SUV was up-ended momentarily. Now Len needs to replace his truck. If you would like to help with a new vehicle, write a check to Calvary Chapel with an “R” on the memo line and put in the tithe box by the door on Sunday.
Keep them in your prayers as Len does have some neck and back pain.