Women's Ministry

Our Mission: To seek to provide opportunities for Spiritual growth through Prayer, Bible Studies, Mentoring, Discipleship, and Fellowship for all women at Calvary Chapel Villages.

Women's Ministry Opportunities --

Women’s Bible Study every Wednesday from 10 am to 11:30 am at the Lake Ella Learning Center

We meet every Wednesday and study The Word! Our studies have shown God’s great love and patience for His beloved children. God’s Word is active and alive as we apply it to our lives. All women at Calvary Chapel are welcome to attend.  If you are a first-time visitor or long-time attender join us on Wednesdays.  

Contact the leader if you’re interested: Marjie Setser at 856-848-7638

First Friday Fellowship from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Lake Ella Learning Center 

First Friday Fellowship is a time to get to know your sisters at Calvary Chapel a bit better. Our fellowship may include a game or craft. It is a time of sharing, music, devotion and prayer. Please bring a smile and an open heart ready to see where God is leading you and to experience the love of Christian sisters as well as outreach spreading love in our community.  A wonderful time of fellowship, fun, and food. Our topics change each month.

Contact the leader if you’re interested: Marjie Setser at 856-848-7638

Solo on Sundays is a community group for women who go to church alone.  Some women are widowed, some divorced, some never married, and others are married, but their husbands do not attend church.  The group meets most Fridays at 10 AM.  Some weeks are Bible study and others are fellowship.  Once a month they have lunch after church to accommodate women who work during the week.  

Contact one of the co-leaders if you are interested: Esther 949-412-6681, Orinda 609-501-6136